The reason why I think that there is not a SARS infectee in Japan
Subtitle:Commuting from home to an office
There is our house in a town of the country in a west loser of Tokyo.
I spend 1 hour 30 minutes and go to an office.

7:10 a.m.

Because a train is the starting station,
there are a few people.

The inside of car of a train after 1 hour
It is congestion as it does not get a motion in a train.

I transfer on a subway.

The inside of car of a subway is crowded, too.

An office town of Tokyo
My consideration
If there is an infectee of SARS alone among crowded trains, a large number of people are contagious.
Even if government hides a fact of a SARS infectee,
many person is infected if there is alone an infectee of SARS in the train which was crowded.
