[README] [README.j] [README.sh] [make] [Makefile] [Ìá¤ë]

# @(#) Makefile 1.4 93/11/21 17:36:53

### Beginning of configurable stuff.
# By default, logfile entries are written to the same file as used for
# sendmail transaction logs. Change the definition of the following macro
# if you disagree. See `man 3 syslog' for examples. Some syslog versions
# do not provide this flexibility.

# To disable host access control, comment out the following macro definition.
# Note: host access control requires the strtok() and strchr() routines.
# Host access control can also be turned off by providing no access control
# tables. The local system, since it runs the portmap daemon, is always
# treated as an authorized host.


# Comment out if your RPC library does not allocate privileged ports for
# requests from processes with root privilege, or the new portmap will
# always reject requests to register/unregister services on privileged
# ports. You can find out by running "rpcinfo -p"; if all mountd and NIS
# daemons use a port >= 1024 you should probably disable the next line.


# When the portmapper cannot find any local interfaces (it will complain
# to the syslog daemon) your system probably has variable-length socket
# address structures (struct sockaddr has a sa_len component; example:
# 4.4BSD). Uncomment next macro definition in that case.

# With verbose logging on, HP-UX 9.x leaves zombies behind when SIGCHLD
# is not ignored. Enable next macro for a fix.

# Uncomment the following macro if your system does not have u_long.
# ULONG	=-Du_long="unsigned long"

# Later versions of the tcp wrapper (log_tcp package) come with a
# libwrap.a object library. WRAP_DIR should specify the directory with
# that library.

#WRAP_DIR= ../tcp_wrappers_7.2
WRAP_DIR= /usr/local/src/security/tcp_wrappers_7.2

# Auxiliary object files that may be missing from your C library.
AUX	= daemon.o strerror.o

# Uncomment the following macro definitions if you are running SYSV.4.
# This won't help much because SYSV.4 uses rpcbind instead of portmap.
# CC	= /usr/ucb/cc
#LIBS	= -lrpcsoc

# Auxiliary libraries that you may have to specify
#LIBS	= -lrpc

### End of configurable stuff.

SHELL	= /bin/sh

COPT	= -Dconst= -Dperror=xperror $(HOSTS_ACCESS) $(CHECK_PORT) \
OBJECTS	= portmap.o pmap_check.o from_local.o $(AUX)

all:	portmap pmap_dump pmap_set

portmap: $(OBJECTS) $(WRAP_DIR)/libwrap.a
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) $(WRAP_DIR)/libwrap.a $(LIBS)

pmap_dump: pmap_dump.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $? $(LIBS)

pmap_set: pmap_set.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $? $(LIBS)

from_local: from_local.c
	cc $(CFLAGS) -DTEST -o $@ from_local.c

	lint $(COPT) $(OBJECTS:%.o=%.c)

	rm -f *.o portmap pmap_dump pmap_set from_local core

	@shar README Makefile portmap.c daemon.c strerror.c diffs_wrt_bsd \
	pmap_dump.c pmap_set.c from_local.c pmap_check.c pmap_check.h BLURB

diffs_wrt_bsd: portmap.c.bsd portmap.c daemon.c.bsd daemon.c
	-(diff -c portmap.c.bsd portmap.c; diff -c daemon.c.bsd daemon.c) >$@

	@$(CC) -M $(CFLAGS) *.c | grep -v /usr/include |sed 's/\.\///'

daemon.o: daemon.c
from_local.o: from_local.c
pmap_check.o: pmap_check.c pmap_check.h Makefile
pmap_dump.o: pmap_dump.c
pmap_set.o: pmap_set.c
portmap.o: portmap.c
portmap.o: pmap_check.h
strerror.o: strerror.c