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In This Section

Q1: 8 bits ADC   
Q2: Homebrew rotors
Q3: TV Rotors
Q5: Readout fluctuation
Q6: Calibration procedure
Q7: WispDDE & ARS


FAQ's (6)

Q: I'm not sure how I must make the calibration procedure?

A: The RCI board include 2 ADC IC's:

  • U2 for Azimuth 
  • U3 for Elevation

When a Voltage between 0V and 5V is applied on pin #2 on those IC's,  around 17µsecs later it's converted into a digital value. The ARSWIN read the digital value, and calculate the antenna position. This process is done based on some parameters that the user must provide:

  • Left or CCW Limit
  • Right or CW limit
  • Total rotation anglee.

How must be done?

You must turn the rotor manually to the CW limit. This point should be 360º, or 180º. Some rotors as Yaesu, Kenpro or ProsSisTel allow a rotatation greater than 360º, however this overlapping is not useful for the ARS. So, remember to use this CW limit as 360º.

When this CW point is displayed at the rotor displayer (Control Unit), check the "Current A/D Value". Adjust P1 (Azimuth) or P2 (Elevation) untill the Current A/D Value is as close as possible to the Max ADC Limit. 

This limit will be 1023 for 10 bits ADC or 255 for 8 bits ADC. And PRESS the RIGHT Button when it's done.

Later, turn the rotor to the CCW or Left Limit. It will be 0º or 180º. The actual A/D Value will be a value close to Zero.

And Press LEFT Button.

Now the ARSWIN has the 2 limits and will calculate the antenna position.

On above screens, the 2 limits selected are: 1021 and 9


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